fbpx The shortest distance between vacancy and professional

Use strategies to be ahead!


Unemployment has affected most of the Brazilian population, and one of the major concerns is the relocation in the labor market after a period away from all work routine.

But the time when the professional becomes unemployed should be a time that he can take the opportunity to take courses, tasks that add value to the curriculum, visit lectures or participate in volunteer work. These actions will keep you updated.

It is unclear how long it takes a person to get back on the market, but being prepared for an adaptation increases the odds. Some steps can be taken to assist in relocation, such as:


Prepare your personal marketing
When the opportunity arises, be prepared with a well-crafted, skill-filled resume, research current interviewing methods, how to behave to secure the chance.


Reflect on your career
List your goals, noting your achievements and learning, so set a new trait for your working life with a positive focus.


Do market research
If the focus is on a specific company or industry, research the current issues surrounding the issue, see how best you can contribute to the area, invest in yourself.


When the big meeting with the recruiter comes, be clear and objective, talk about your professional potential, experiences, focus, goals and know how to talk about time away from the market so that the interviewer gives you the chance of a possible replacement.


Updating professional life is important even if not active, so the professional will be prepared for future opportunities that emerge, standing out in the competition.


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