
Like any method, practice can have its positives and negatives.


Working from home seems cool, but it has its advantages and disadvantages for both the professional and the company. Home Office practice can be a very satisfactory method for a work routine, due to all circumstances of the environment, the professional is more motivated, free from the common stresses of a workday and consequently brings more productivity and good results.

An interesting advantage to be mentioned is the flexibility that the Home Office offers, the organization of time to perform work activities is a strong balance for the tasks to be performed, as well as interleaving work and personal.

Working at home brings you the comfort of convenience and practicality, being free of traffic, crowded public transportation, and all this commuting time can be turned to produce more.

Moreover, it can be economical for both the employee and the employer, as the practice can generate savings, since they will not have expenses with food, transportation, maintenance, thus bringing another advantage point.

However, be aware that time at home can become an enemy, as you will be responsible for the performance on the day, the amount of distraction becomes longer, the breaks for snacks too, the lack of contact with other professionals can interfere. in their professional development and overwork can be part of this method, becoming a disadvantage for overloading the professional.

Therefore, by choosing Home Office you will have independence, but you should be aware of responsibility, meeting deadlines, task delivery, discipline and thinking about creating a pleasant environment to perform the job, investing in furniture and suitable materials should be on the list. of priorities.


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